National state of environment report, 2012

Project Time :

ESIPPS International finalized with the development of the National State of Environment Report for NEMA. The NSOER 2012 had the theme on “harnessing our environment for wealth creation”.
The theme is aligned to the Uganda national vision presented in the National Development Plan and Uganda Vision 2040 as: “A transformed Ugandan society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country within 30 years”.The Vision is conceptualized around harnessing the opportunities, improving competitiveness and strengthening the fundamentals for transformation with natural resources forming much of the basis. The theme on harnessing environment resources to create wealth is premised on four notions as follows: dependency on natural resources especially by the poor, thus relation to poverty; environment as an asset for rural livelihoods (emphasized; Natural Resources and ecosystems constitute an immense value for the economy and the livelihoods of all Ugandans (this is the unifying notion) and environmental degradation is a cause as well as consequence of poverty.The final copy of the NSOER 2012 shall be available on the NEMA website soon and the link for downloading will be provided.