Agribusiness Enterprise Development in Uganda – Phase 1
Project Time : July 2017-March 9th 2018
The project was intended to support the expanding of productivity, market development of smallholder farmers through development of farm information management systems linked to spatial data using UAVs mapping technology.
The project pilot phase was aimed at developing farm management tools that would revolutionize tea and coffee (Uganda’s leading agricultural export commodities) production and marketing in Uganda by improving yields, market access, improved transparency, crop monitoring, management of agricultural inputs plus the associated product trace ability from consumer to the farm unit.
The project also emphasized the need to make significant improvements along the value chains; production, transportation, storage, processing, as well as, marketing and distribution of coffee and tea crops among other selected crops of priority in Uganda. and using the UAS or drone-based systems enable detailed mapping and improvement in the management of crops including precision farming by providing detailed and real-time remote sensing data to enhance crop/farm diagnosis.