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Geo-Mapping for hay making in climate stressed rangelands(GEO4HCR)

The hay making project has high potential in the three districts given the occurrence and severity of the dry weather

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4 years ago

Geo-Spatial interactive viewer of hay-making in potential areas in climate stressed rangelands(GEO4HCR)

ESIPPS International Ltd has developed an interactive viewer of hay-making potential areas as part of a small grant on Geo-mapping

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4 years ago

Closing the gender gap in farming under climate change: New knowledge for renewed action

Join Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security for a live webcast on closing the gender gap in farming under climate

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4 years ago

ESIPPS International Ltd embarks on preparation of the National State of Environment Report (NSOER) 2014 for Uganda on behalf of the National Environment Managment Authority (NEMA)

On behalf of the National Environment Managment Authority (NEMA), ESIPPS International Ltd is in the intial stages of developing the

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4 years ago

ITC fosters partnership with ESIPPS International on Geo-Information Applications

The Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente in the Netherlands has recently embarked on increasing

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4 years ago

Analysis of relations between land cover and climate change for the Districts

ESIPPS international has been involved in research activities that require the use of remote sensing data and the use of

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4 years ago

Satellite Images used in Rangeland Health Mapping

Methodology: The study covered the Okok River sub-catchment drained mainly by the River Okok that runs through four Districts of

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4 years ago

Developing of the Oil and Gas Strategic Environment Assessment in Albertine

The Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) of oil and gas activities in the Albertine Graben of Uganda presents strategic recommendations for

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4 years ago