AARSE Conference 2022. Promoting Gender and Diversity in Earth Observation
October 26, 2022

The Earth Observation (EO) community is increasingly recognising gender and
diversity as foundations for inclusive and sustainable geoinformation systems.
The session on EO for all aims to promote gender and diversity in building,
accessing, managing, sharing and using Earth Observation in Africa, thus
developing inclusive EO. The session brings together Earth Observation
professionals, students, academia, managers and policy makers and private
sector to share knowledge and experiences in building inclusive EO systems
within public and community programmes and engendering EO for sustainable
development. The session underpins both SDGs and Africa Agenda 2063-the
Africa we want goals. Particular examples include, Agenda 2063 goal 1 “A high
standard of living, quality of life and well-being for all citizens”, Goal 2 “Well-
educated citizens and skills revolution underpinned by science, technology and
innovation”, Goal 12 “Capable institutions and transformative leadership in
place” and Goal 17 “Full gender equality in all spheres of life”.
The session will feature 4 paper presentations each allotted a total of 15 minutes
(including 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A), followed by a 1 hr
panel discussion. The distinguished invited presenters and panellists will share
their academic research findings, vast experiences and initiatives as follows:
1. Prof. Roshanak Darvish Z, Project manager, Ingenuity Project, EO4All, ITC
Faculty of Geoinformation science and Earth Observation, University of
Twente (Key Note speaker) represented by Aguilar Bolivar, Rosa (online)
2. Dr. Ouafae Karim, Founder and Director, Africa Earth Observation Services
(AfEOS), Morocco.
3. Dr. Esther Makinde, Surveying Department, University of Lagos (online)
4. Mr. Henry Massa Makuma- Associate Partner and Program Director,
ESIPPS International Ltd/Member BOT, Gender, Climate Change and
Agriculture in Africa (GECA) Research Institute (online)
Side Event on Gender & Diversity
Theme: Earth Observation for All; Promoting Gender and Diversity in Earth Observation
Date and time: Thursday 27th October, 2022 between 14 :15 – 16 :30PM EAT.
Venue: Kivu Hall
1. Ms. Viola Othieno, ICPAC Nairobi /President, Women in Global Monitoring
of Environment and Security (GMES) and Africa Program
2. Dr. Doreen Agaba, Technical Lead, Uganda Aerospace Bureau
3. Dr. Ouafae Karim, Founder and Director, Africa Earth Observation Services
(AfEOS), Morocco (Private sector representative).
4. Mrs. Roselyne Ishimwe, Business Development Manager, ESRI Rwanda.
Session duration: 2.15 hrs
Moderators: Dr. Jane Bemigisha
Ms. Tinebeb Yohanes
To register, visit: https://aarse2022.org/register.php
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